Lending a hand to local families since 2006

Jack’s Helping Hand assists more than 300 individuals in San Luis Obispo County. We provide programs that meet the unique challenges of children who have cancer, are medically fragile, or have special needs in our community.

What We Do

We assist local children with special needs and cancer

How We Do It

Through financial assistance and programs

How We Can Help You

Apply for assistance

What Our Clients Say

Woodman twins

Meet the Woodman twins! They were born at just 26 weeks. Austin weighed 1 pound 12 ounces at birth and Easton weighed 2 pounds 6 ounces. They spent 131 days at the NICU. Austin underwent three surgeries in Santa Barbara. The twins are now 7 years old and living a happy, healthy life.


Meet Ethan! Ethan was in an accident that fractured his spine. Jack’s Helping Hand was able to help his family with the initial medical expenses. Ethan is now a part of our Water Warriors program.


Meet Mercy! Mercy was born with half of a heart, a condition called termed Double Inlet Left Ventricle. Mercy has survived three open heart surgeries. Jack’s Helping Hand has been able to help Mercy and her family to meet her medical needs.


Meet Claire! Claire has a rare type of cancer and has been undergoing three years of treatment. Claire has attended Camp Reach for the Stars, and Jack’s Helping Hand has been so happy to assist her family in every way we can.

Thank you to our local sponsors

In the News

We are honored to have been chosen as the recipient of Ambiance’s Season of Giving. Kannyn and her incredible team went above and beyond to host a beautiful evening, raising over $20,000 for Jack’s Helping Hand. We are deeply grateful for the way our community comes together to support our mission 💚

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We are excited to announce that Open Air Flowers has donated $450 to Jack’s Helping Hand through their Designer’s Choice Spring campaign!
Thanks to Open Air Flowers and their wonderful customers, these funds will further our mission to provide community programs that meet the unique challenges of children with cancer, disabilities, or special needs.

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Our mission is to provide community programs that meet the unique challenges of children with cancer, disabilities or special needs. Learn more about our story, and let us know how we can support you in yours.

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Tune in to KVEC every Wednesday from 6-9 AM for “First Look” with Andy Morris, featuring upcoming events, inspiring stories, and the latest updates from Jack’s Helping Hand!

#JacksHelpingHand #KVEC #FirstLookKVEC #AndyMorris #events #upcomingevents #inspiringstory #JackReady #ChildoftheMonth #AssistanceProgram #sanluisobispo #slocounty #children #kids #medicaltravel #medical #programs #health #healthcare #JHH2006 #slononprofit #nonprofit #centralcoast #pismobeach #5cities #pasorobles #paso #nipomo #nonprofitorganization #makeadifference

We’re excited to announce the first-ever Harvest Horse Camp at Jack Ready Imagination Park, taking place November 20-22, 2024. Open to children of all abilities, the camp will feature hands-on grooming, horse-themed activities, outdoor adventures, arts and crafts, and so much more! Whether your child is new to horses or a seasoned rider, they’ll have the chance to develop new skills, make friends, and create unforgettable memories 💚

Spaces are limited—secure your spot today!
Contact [email protected]

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Jack’s Helping Hand
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